
User:ColorfulGalaxy/Truth or dare

ColorfulGalaxy留言 | 贡献2025年3月7日 (五) 21:07的版本 (Undo)

Truth or dare is a fun game to play with your friends, especially at sleepovers and during other times when you probably won’t be disturbed. Here are some truth or dare questions related to Shidinn or CA.

Question type Question detail
Truth What is your favorite Shidinn letter?
Truth What is your favorite letter in the Infinite Shidinn alphabet?
Truth What is your favorite pattern in Conway Life?
Dare Build a Geminoid with your own hands using B3/S23 rules.
Dare Try to pronounce /ʁ8/(Shove your hand down your throat and make a /ʁ/ sound) for 8 times.
Dare Try to create a font with the style of Monotype Corsiva and character set of XEGOEALL.
Dare play a game of scrabble in xdi8 aho language