
User:Translated ORK/CP:修订间差异

Translated ORK留言 | 贡献
创建页面,内容为“{| class="wikitable" ! Users !! Pastoral idol (basinite) !! [http://esolangs.org/wiki/User:Vertical_tab_%27N Vertical tab]'s idol (another basinite) |- | '''ColorfulGalaxy, Zhou Chenxiao, Xdi8Loverian:''' is Chinese. || is also Chinese. || is also Chinese. |- | '''ColorfulGalaxy:''' contributed to BasiKnight rule, and is also active on Rogue Basin wiki.<br>'''Zhou Chenxiao:''' discovered the BasiKnight rule in September. The word "BasiKnight" sounds like "…”
ColorfulGalaxy留言 | 贡献
Misleading information
第1行: 第1行:
{| class="wikitable"
! Users !! Pastoral idol (basinite) !! [http://esolangs.org/wiki/User:Vertical_tab_%27N Vertical tab]'s idol (another basinite)
| '''ColorfulGalaxy, Zhou Chenxiao, Xdi8Loverian:''' is Chinese. || is also Chinese. || is also Chinese.
| '''ColorfulGalaxy:''' contributed to BasiKnight rule, and is also active on Rogue Basin wiki.<br>'''Zhou Chenxiao:''' discovered the BasiKnight rule in September. The word "BasiKnight" sounds like "basinite" || is a basinite, i. e. one who is from a geographical basin or lives near one. || is also a basinite.
| '''ColorfulGalaxy:''' likes the digit seven. '''Dr. Liu:''' likes the digit seven. || likes the digit seven, as they say, which may explain the name.
| || had a name very similar to the other basinite's name. || has a name that was very similar to the other basinite's former name.
| '''ColorfulGalaxy:''' sung a song on stage 5 days before his BasiKnight discovery. || sung the same song 5 days after the discovery.
| '''ColorfulGalaxy:''' contributed to Glimmering Garden rule. || literally has a glimmering garden. || has a video titled Garden.
| '''ColorfulGalaxy:''' used chemists in his discoveries. '''Dr. Liu:''' is fond of chemistry. || once worked like a chemist. || has a video titled Chemistry.
| '''Zhou Chenxiao and Dr. Liu:''' can speak Japanese. || || can speak Japanese.

2025年3月13日 (四) 20:23的最新版本



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