
User talk:Xdi8Loverian:修订间差异

Translated ORK在话题“ ”中的最新留言:2024年12月16日 (星期一)
Translated ORK留言 | 贡献
Translated ORK留言 | 贡献
第4行: 第4行:

Thanks to my friend's introducing, I finally found this website where I can talk with Zhou ChenXiao and Others Without worrying about getting IP Banned, because this Website uses CloudFlare. Do you Speak English? [[User:Translated ORK|Translated ORK]]([[User talk:Translated ORK|留言]]) 2024年12月12日 (四) 17:57 (CST)
Thanks to my friend's introducing, I finally found this website where I can talk with Zhou ChenXiao and Others Without worrying about getting IP Banned, because this Website uses CloudFlare. Do you Speak English? [[User:Translated ORK|Translated ORK]]([[User talk:Translated ORK|留言]]) 2024年12月12日 (四) 17:57 (CST)
:Sheet. They have stopped using Cloudflare. [[User:Translated ORK|Translated ORK]]([[User talk:Translated ORK|留言]]) 2024年12月16日 (一) 11:44 (CST)

== Basinite comparison==
== Basinite comparison==

2024年12月16日 (一) 11:44的版本

 

        .            ,         . Xdi8Loverian留言2024年7月28日 (日) 11:45 (CST)回复

Thanks to my friend's introducing, I finally found this website where I can talk with Zhou ChenXiao and Others Without worrying about getting IP Banned, because this Website uses CloudFlare. Do you Speak English? Translated ORK留言2024年12月12日 (四) 17:57 (CST)回复

Sheet. They have stopped using Cloudflare. Translated ORK留言2024年12月16日 (一) 11:44 (CST)回复

Basinite comparison

Trump's robot kept deleting this quote, so I'm reposting here.

Note: Vertical Tab is this person.

Let's Compare the Chinese LifeEnthusiasts With The two Basinite Celebrities. Just don't Mention The Celebrities' Names Directly. (They'll come and Find Us) These Comparings Are from Various Sources.

FWKnightship, LittleLWSS, pifricted, ColorfulGalaxy, islptng: are All Chinese. Ideal Idyll Idol: is Chinese Too. She is a basinite. Vertical Tab's idol: is Chinese too. He is also a basinite.

FWKnightship, LittleLWSS, pifricted, ColorfulGalaxy, islptng: are (Though Lesser) Known On Foreign Online Platforms. Ideal Idyll Idol: Is Known On Foreign Online Platforms Too. Vertical Tab's idol: Is also known on foreign platforms.

LittleLWSS, ColorfulGalaxy, islptng: each Has Accounts On Several Online Platforms. Ideal Idyll Idol: Has Accounts On Several Online Platforms. Vertical Tab's idol: Also has accounts on several online platforms.

islptng: Discovered BasiKnight Rule On Sep 26. Ideal Idyll Idol: Is Literally One Of the Basinites (one from a geographical basin or lives near one). Few People Knew That Before Her Return. "Basinite" Sounds the Same as "BasiKnight." Vertical Tab's idol: Is also a basinite.

ColorfulGalaxy: Suddenly Returned on Oct 24 (via a Robot) With Massive Product. Ideal Idyll Idol: Suddenly Returned on Nov 12 With Three Videos.

ColorfulGalaxy: Used Chemists In ConwayLife Discovery. Ideal Idyll Idol: Literally Worked Like A Chemist. (Referenced In Last Video Before Return And First Video After Return) Vertical tab's idol: Has a video titled "Chemistry".

ColorfulGalaxy: Discovered Traffic Flow Arrangement On Nov 3. Ideal Idyll Idol: Got A Lot Of Online Traffic Flow To Her 10 Days Later.

ColorfulGalaxy: Discovered GlimmeringGarden Arrangement On Nov 4. Ideal Idyll Idol: Literally Has A Glimmering Garden. Vertical tab's Idol: Has a video titled "Garden".

ColorfulGalaxy: Probably Has A Team. Ideal Idyll Idol: Reportedly Has A Team.

ColorfulGalaxy: Discovered BasiKnight Arrangement on Nov 8. Ideal Idyll Idol: See above

ColorfulGalaxy: Mentioned Three Keywords (Empirically, Creative, Process) In His Project. Ideal Idyll Idol: Literally Put Those Keywords To Reality, As In The Videos. The Processes Are The Key In The Videos.

ColorfulGalaxy: Mentioned Music Videos (through His Robot) on Nov 11. Ideal Idyll Idol: Posted A Music Video on Nov 13.

ColorfulGalaxy: Disappeared From ConwayLife Forums On Nov 11, Because His (Maybe actually Trump's?) Robot Was Hacked. Ideal Idyll Idol: Reappeared The Next Day. If The Robot Didn't Go And Reach Another Website, One Could Have Easily Mistaken ColorfulGalaxy For The Celebrity.

ColorfulGalaxy: has User ID as A Multiple of 271. Ideal Idyll Idol: on her Video Website, has User ID as A Multiple of 2×71.

ColorfulGalaxy: Had His Friends Repeatedly Make 555-Byte Edits And Screaming "555555555" On ExplainXKCD. He Also Used Instrument No. 555 While Arranging Music. Ideal Idyll Idol: Had Former Name with T9 Initials Value "555". (http://www.dcode.fr/t9-cipher) Vertical tab's idol: Has a name that is very similar to Ideal Idyll Idol's former name.

LittleLWSS: ALMOST Mentioned A Particular Chinese Character In Sequence On His Esolangs.org Talk Page. Ideal Idyll Idol: Obtained A New Name Containing The Same Chinese Character.

LittleLWSS: Mentioned A Patriotic Song On His Esolangs.org User Page. Ideal Idyll Idol: Mentioned A Similar Song in Her Video.

ColorfulGalaxy: Sang A Particular Song As An Intro To Introducing his Project To His Friends on Nov 3. Ideal Idyll Idol: Posted A Video With The Same Song After Her Return.

FWKnightship, ColorfulGalaxy, islptng: Took over Several Tasks From Long Ago, Including One From 2013. (The Song Mentioned Above Was to Praise Those Who Took Over Tasks That Were Passed On from History.) Ideal Idyll Idol: Took over Tasks from The More Ancient History.

FWKnightship: was First Active on June 23, 2019. Ideal Idyll Idol: posted Her 100th (Yes, Exactly 100th, not Counting Deleted Ones) Video On June 23, 2019

P.S. We're Comparing, Not Contrasting.

Another Thing I've Noticed: The Word BasiKnight Or Basinite Sounds Like Japanese For "America-China Threads".

ColorfulGalaxy: is explicitly targeted by trump.

Celebrity: is implicitly targeted by trump.

islptng: claims to be Japan-phobic.

Celebrity: is reportedly physically japan-related substance phobic. (Notice lowercase j)

The celebrity recently travelled close to the place where ColorfulGalaxy found the Sticky cell and the Ping Pong table. Seems not notable, unless she visited the very city. Translated ORK留言2024年12月12日 (四) 21:09 (CST)回复

Did you know that ColorfulGalaxy just made another nice prediction? He predicted the latest XKCD comic (3023). On december 10, he mentioned the euler's identity in his user page. Then XKCD mentioned the same topic again the next day. (note: if you paste euler's name into the search bar, it won't work.) Also ColorfulGalaxy colored his box blue. XKCD connected the equation with the navy, which operates on the blue seas. What's more, the comic's id is 3023, which reflect's ColorfulGalaxy's all-time hobby (B3/S23). Translated ORK留言2024年12月13日 (五) 12:08 (CST)回复

Here's more. ColorfulGalaxy counted 36470 consecutive zeros in the switch engine ping-pong patterns by apgcode. He went on to make the 36470th edit on this wiki. Translated ORK留言2024年12月13日 (五) 12:08 (CST)回复

ColorfulGalaxy celebrates his birthday on the day when "CA Dancing" was posted on Conway Life. Translated ORK留言2024年12月15日 (日) 15:15 (CST)回复

Getting a robot banned on your usual website

The user named "ColorfulGalaxy's CA discoveries" on Esolangs.org is actually not User:ColorfulGalaxy's friend, but rather Trump's robot sent to China. The Trump insulted ColorfulGalaxy on many websites, while the robot, who pretended to be ColorfulGalaxy's friend, insulted ColorfulGalaxy in real life. The robot has fooled a whole lot of people, and should be banned as soon as possible. Maybe a flesh search is needed. Translated ORK留言2024年12月13日 (五) 17:49 (CST)回复

A user called "Citation needed" kept spamming conway life forum and should be banned. Translated ORK留言2024年12月15日 (日) 15:15 (CST)回复