
Common Shidinn grammar

物灵留言 | 贡献2023年2月24日 (五) 20:19的版本
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As a thought experiment primarily focused on vocabulary, Common Shidinn bears a grammar relatively simple, with limited parts of speech and affixes.

Parts of speech

There are three types of content words: nouns, verbs, and modifiers. We do not distinguish between verb and adjective as declinable words in Japanese and Korean, but in the following text, we use the word 'verb' for short. Most of the time, it is the verb that modifies another; modifier is a smaller set used to denote quantity, tense, and so on.


When nouns are related to one another, case phrases are used. Nominative and accusative are left unmarked.

Case Meaning English
' Locative in, on, at
' Dative for, to, towards, than
' Ablative from, according to, via
' Instrumental using
' Comitative with
' Genitive of

See also

In other languages