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Add a topic on this page if you'd like to talk right here on the wiki. DGCK81LNN ( ) 2024 3 31 ( ) 16:28 (CST)
I have a questions about your soft XDI8 keyboard
1: Will Extentions be added?
2: Why remove the "subscript" numbers? Do we use them anymore?
3: Why didn't you make it so it we hold a letter key it would show the alternative options. Like if you hold the "a" key it would show ʉ because swiping up is hard without accidentally typing another letter.
4: Will there be an app for this on android and IOS devices?
5: (unrelated) Is the basic shidinn alphabet, the Extentions, the tiny numbers, and the Chinese letters for xdi8 aho going to be submitted to Unicode? If so, when? AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 1 ( ) 11:21 (CST)
- Hi!
- I coded partial support for some () extension letters but I've turned them off for the demo page. I don't plan on adding more.
- I don't see any practical use of the subscript numbers currently, which is why I removed them.
- This is actually to be added, I was just too lazy. Eventually you should also be able to hold one of the symbol keys (in the symbol mode) and pan left or right to choose among variants (e.g. ' 『 』 `).
- Unfortunately programming keyboards for Android and iOS is completely different from creating one that can only be used in the browser, and I doubt I will be able to create mobile apps due to environmental requirements.
- Not until Shidinn gets as famous as Lojban or Toki Pona worldwide, which is hard due to its current incompleteness as a language.
- DGCK81LNN ( ) 2024 4 1 ( ) 13:16 (CST)
- Also note that the new list of official extension Shidinn letters and Infinite Shidinn letters is still under review. Letters like probably aren't going to stay in official extension Shidinn anymore; several letters originally in Infinite Shidinn are going to be added to the official extension. DGCK81LNN ( ) 2024 4 1 ( ) 13:30 (CST)
- Honestly, in my opinion, subscript numbers were actually more fitting in the shidinn alphabet. Uniqueness if you agree. Also I think Quefei confirmed that we use "n" as decimal point and when I went to go see the videos of the old shidinn language thingy correction Annaotation video, I saw it said they use a separate number system. Does that mean we use the tall numbers (12345) or just do •ı• •ә• •з•. We should've kept the small numbers as they made the alphabet look better and more complete. We just removed them. also what happened to the diagraph things? What was the point?
- Are you sure it's not popular? I see alot of shidinn videos on YouTube. (I'm from a different country so I don't use bilibili also that means I have a different time zone.)
- I saw a shidinn alphabet song with 1 million views and there's more shidinn stuff with about as much views as other said video. If we're gonna submit it to Unicode then who's gonna do it? We could just submit the original 45 (idek if it's 45 anymore) and the Chinese letters and the shidinn digits.
- Pretty sure you guys don't think it's popular because bilibili is a smaller platform than YouTube just by a few billion people. It's about as good as it gets. Even on scratch people make projects about shidinn. It's more popular than you think.
- this is what we should do if submit to Unicode
- First things first, submit the original 45, the Chinese letters and the subscript numbers (idk man).
- Then if this community is finally done with the Extentions, we can turn those in a different time.
- Some time later, if the infinite shidinn letters are done we submit those. It obviously won't work if we do it at the same time or at all in general because 1: the infinite shidinn alphabet isn't even done yet and 2: The shidinn alphabet itself isn't even done at all. AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 1 ( ) 15:10 (CST)
- I just uploaded a funni picture.
- Is called "Screenshot 2024401" or something like that go check it out on logs. AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 1 ( ) 15:30 (CST)
- Usually wikis won't let you upload images like that unless they're useful for demonstration purposes in articles. I asked the staff, it seems they're kind of okay with it though. Better post this kind of stuff in the community QQ group chat.
- You actually should make a QQ account i think. Join the community. DGCK81LNN ( ) 2024 4 2 ( ) 07:58 (CST)
- Also DGCK81LNN ( ) 2024 4 2 ( ) 08:03 (CST)
- Shidinn may have been getting some more attention these days but it's still an incomplete language. It has no standard grammar and (presumably) no native speakers (yet). Note that not even Sitelen Pona (Toki Pona ideographs) were able to get into Unicode, despite being way more famous than Shidinn. However, the Under-ConScript Unicode Registry (UCSUR), successor of the ConScript Unicode Registry, assigns code points for characters that belong to constructed languages or writing systems inside Unicode's Private Use Areas. It's like the Infinite Shidinn of Unicode. You can already find Shidinn on the UCSUR page, the alphabet is still the old version though.
- To my knowledge, there is current no standard way to write numbers in Shidinn. Using Shidinn letters, there are at least three ways: Hebrew-style (⟦'.⟧), Arabic-style (·.· ; dialects that use the letter use it for nine) and bpmw style (·.·). All are kind of outdated; might as well just use tall numbers (123456.789), I'm not sure though.
- The dot accented represents a syllabic ng sound. and are ligatures for iu and ui respectively. These were mentioned by Huang but barely used by the community. DGCK81LNN ( ) 2024 4 2 ( ) 07:34 (CST)
- OHHHHHH i seen that Unicode proposal thing. Super outdated. + It forgot some chinese shidinn characters.
- Also is there going to be more shidinn fonts? This one is outdated and we should use a font for all dialects. Including the infinite shidinn glyphs.
- I prefer to write it with the small numbers. I've came up with my own dialect on October of 2023 but Its too cringy. It contains old letter X B or the Б letter. Б was better than 5 I don't see why it was necessary to replace it in any way. But we do need updates shidinn font based on today's shidinn standards in terms of letters. They've updated Г to look like N. For the custom dialect thing I refuse to elaborate on it any further because I'ma just have a mental breakdown showing my old work to people.
- It would take a pretty long to propose these anyway. Also I prefer the small digits for writing them because is unique so you might wanna add those back to your keyboard along with the syllabic ng and us'. Also what is QQ? I'll think about joining it I guess. AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 2 ( ) 19:22 (CST)
- Do they allow people outside of china? AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 2 ( ) 20:33 (CST)
- Chinese instant messaging app. After some research though, it seems it's currently not so easy for people outside China to make an account. This article might be helpful DGCK81LNN ( ) 2024 4 3 ( ) 04:04 (CST)
- I ain't risking getting my personal info stolen. AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 3 ( ) 04:55 (CST)
- What is your favorite shidinn letter and why AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 3 ( ) 04:58 (CST)
- And I'm going to 6 all of my friends AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 3 ( ) 05:08 (CST)
- What is your favorite shidinn letter and why AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 3 ( ) 04:58 (CST)
- I ain't risking getting my personal info stolen. AyuthsCreatorPlays ( ) 2024 4 3 ( ) 04:55 (CST)