
用户讨论:  iseki

ColorfulGalaxy留言 | 贡献2025年3月17日 (一) 17:53的版本


I made some new letters on a piece of paper I'ma take a screenshot and put them somewhere on my profile AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 3 16  ( ) 02:36 (CST)

Got it. And, I am about to translate the page of Infinite Shidinn and its alphabet for English. this may take some time, please wait it.   iseki (  ) 2024 3 16  ( ) 22:22 (CST)
hello i'm back
and i uploaded new file
this is the cool prototype of the unofficial shilu letter things also this is the screenshot i mentioned AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 3 17  ( ) 10:44 (CST)


We should get more diacritics. Those things that go above or below or beside the letters. I made some. And we should also use vietnamese ones. Vietnamese is a good language I'm learning it the Vietnamese tone marks would be cool with this alphabet. They use so many and best of all, usually in vietnamese language, the diacritics stack. Here's all of the legal combinations: A À Á Ã Ả Ạ Ă Ằ Ắ Ẳ Ẵ Ặ Â Ầ Ấ Ẫ Ẩ Ậ E É È Ẽ Ẻ Ẹ Ê Ề Ế Ễ Ể Ệ I Ì Í Ĩ Ỉ Ị O Ò Ó Õ Ỏ Ọ Ô Ồ Ố Ỗ Ổ Ộ Ơ Ờ Ớ Ỡ Ở Ợ U Ù Ú Ũ Ủ Ụ Ư Ừ Ứ Ữ Ử Ự Y Ỳ Ý Ỹ Ỷ Ỵ & Đ. I love stacks. AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 3 26  ( ) 08:16 (CST)

Here's something I can tell you.

I'm the creator of Shilu-D. Is that OK??? Also, I am allowed to do that to Shilu-D and future upcoming Shilu sets like Shilu-E. and Lolcatistan told me to add more. And by the way, Shilu-D is unfinished but will be FINISHED when Lolcatistan and I make and gather all 122 Shilu-D letters over here. Supremey777 (  ) 2024 5 19  ( ) 04:54 (CST)

I forgot to mention that 7 are already finished. Supremey777 (  ) 2024 5 19  ( ) 04:55 (CST)


₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆₆ AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 6 19  ( ) 13:40 (CST)


I hate to admit it, but the Shidinn wiki was down. Supremey777 (  ) 2024 7 27  ( ) 23:49 (CST)

         

            /ɥymɑ/       Xdi8Loverian (  ) 2024 7 30  ( ) 23:16 (CST)

                                ……

   Xdi8Loverian (  ) 2024 8 8  ( ) 14:59 (CST)

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Translated ORK (  ) 2024 12 28  ( ) 17:52 (CST)

Congratulations for becoming administrator! Translated ORK (  ) 2024 12 30  ( ) 14:53 (CST)

What??? You are a NEAR NATIVE SPEAKER of Shidinn? Translated ORK (  ) 2024 12 30  ( ) 14:55 (CST)

Thank you for cleaning up the "mess"[lɤ ɛyuə iq8 q6] that I made, and expanding the pages that I created. By the way, Happy New Year! ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2024 12 31  ( ) 21:41 (CST)

  (   iseki (  ) 2024 12 31  ( ) 21:44 (CST)
yruL Zephyr (  ) 2025 1 5  ( ) 14:41 (CST)

Would you help me expand this page? ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2025 1 25  ( ) 22:12 (CST)

    。   iseki (  ) 2025 1 26  ( ) 12:14 (CST)
I'm sorry to hear that. I thought you were interested, because you made the manuscript. ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2025 1 26  ( ) 19:05 (CST)
By the way, 7ᖷi8 ├nə cɤɤ le ! ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2025 1 28  ( ) 10:03 (CST)

I've added many more letters in this list. Please help me correct the mistakes, if any. I would also like to ask for help confirming the following.

  • The emoji 🎻 is named "violin". Does that mean it has to be lowercase 0x2d0?
  • 0x329 might be described as "Latin capital letter A with turned checkmark above". Your manuscript says that it should not be confused with "Latin capital letter A with circumflex".
  • Is it acceptable to write 0x304 rotated 90 degrees? That's what the Unicode chart shows.
  • 0x5b0 might be described as "Greek small letter mirrored lambda with left arm".

Also, some of the manuscript pieces were blurry, and some of the Hanzi Case characters were apparently duplicated. Some of the IPA letters couldn't be found in the IPA chart. You may try contacting the creator of the letters, if possible. ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2025 2 8  ( ) 18:45 (CST)

          QQ 365966767  ,        ,      。
     ,0x2d0            、       。               (
0x329       ,          。
0x304       。
0x5b0        ,什么 left arm  (
  IPA Ext IPA。                   ,      。   iseki (  ) 2025 2 12  ( ) 23:32 (CST)

           

         :

  1.   :ᛋ (  ,         )   :ᛌ   :᛭    :/ʂs̰ˠʰ』/    :    「Sieg」   

Xdi8Loverian (  ) 2025 1 31  ( ) 23:50 (CST)

        ,             Zephyr (  ) 2025 2 1  ( ) 14:46 (CST)
《      5           ——       Long Branch Sol/Sigel/S 》
  ,        ,         Sigel            ,                Sigel Xdi8Loverian (  ) 2025 2 2  ( ) 19:48 (CST)
           ……           iseki (  ) 2025 2 2  ( ) 20:12 (CST)
          S   (ẞß),         ,   「 」 Xdi8Loverian (  ) 2025 2 3  ( ) 14:18 (CST)

Happy birthday

Suɜ rɛ cɤɤ le !ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2025 3 3  ( ) 06:41 (CST)

+1 Zephyr (  ) 2025 3 3  ( ) 13:19 (CST)

Happy birthday! Translated ORK (  ) 2025 3 3  ( ) 16:07 (CST)

Est-ce que vous parlez portugais

Do you speak Portuguese? ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2025 3 17  ( ) 12:20 (CST)

I'm sorry. I was thinking about working on Shidio-Portuguese with you together. ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2025 3 17  ( ) 17:53 (CST)