
希顶维基讨论:  

  •           。       ,              ,      (                 ),          。                。
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          、   、         ?

  ,         ,         。——   (  ) 2023 4 5  ( ) 12:54 (CST)

         ?     ,             ?       。     ! (  ) 2024 2 25  ( ) 11:09 (CST)

(:)  :         。         ,        「 」            。——   (  ) 2023 4 15  ( ) 14:52 (CST)

(:)  :         。  「     」   ,                ,      (      1 ≈1.09   , 1    )。——QWERTY_52_38       2023 4 29  ( ) 20:55 (CST)

      「   」,                 (  ) 2023 8 23  ( ) 12:10 (CST)

               

       rss             ,              。               ,          。——     (  ) 2023 4 15  ( ) 17:50 (CST)

     。——      (  ) 2023 4 21  ( ) 15:06 (CST)

                

     [     ·      ·     (     ) ·     ]      ,            ,     [    ]                。      (  ) 2023 5 13  ( ) 21:49 (CST)

            ,      ?

         ,        ,         , :          ,        ,    ?

           ,          (       )         ,      。     ! (  ) 2024 2 25  ( ) 10:05 (CST)

        <(háng)>,    <(xíng)>?               ,         。          ,          。  什么  「     」?——    (  ) 2024 2 26  ( ) 10:53 (CST)
       ,    「       」             ,        , 「        」  ?                  。            什么 「  」。          「        」,       什么     。 ——    (  ) 2024 2 26  ( ) 10:59 (CST)
    。     ! (  ) 2024 2 26  ( ) 12:59 (CST)

    。

        16          ,  ?     !     ! (  ) 2024 2 28  ( ) 15:11 (CST)

        ,                2024 2 29  ( ) 11:39 (CST)

Shidinn keyboard layout

I have 2 questions about how this is gonna work

1: what will the layout look like? Which letter will come first? Where will the numbers, Extentions and middlecase letters and chinese letters go?

2: When will this alphabet finally be submitted to Unicode and who's gonna do it? Who will step up on submitting it?

AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 3 26  ( ) 13:53 (CST)

There have been various proposals for keyboard layout, one of them created by Mr. Huáng. It is easy to agree that case is less complicated than the arrangement of forty-five letters, which outnumbered most alphabets.
It is not plausible to expect Shidinn alphabet to be included in Unicode at present.    2024 5 3  ( ) 19:23 (CST)
What did Huáng's keyboard proposal look like if i may ask? AyuthsCreatorPlays (  ) 2024 5 4  ( ) 21:33 (CST)


《                         》 Xdi8Loverian (  ) 2024 7 29  ( ) 15:22 (CST)

Actually, the text that you mentioned changes upon refresh. Sometimes it compares the number with the number of articles on Lojban Wiki. Sometimes it checks whether the number has a Numberblocks shape associated — The only such number larger than the current number is 1314.[lɤ ɛyuə iq8 q6] ColorfulGalaxy (  ) 2024 12 17  ( ) 02:07 (CST)